JCIE News - 31 August 2022
Update on entry criteria for applicants who are not in-training
The JSCM and the JCIE have released a joint statement to confirm an amendment to the start date for revised entry criteria for applicants who are not in-training.
The new criteria will now come into force for all new entrants to Section 1 examinations taking place from 1 October 2023.Please read the full statement here.
JCIE News - 21 June 2022
JCIE Chair Selection
The Joint Surgical Royal Colleges are delighted to confirm the appointment of a new Chair of the Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations (JCIE). Please see accompanying letter.
JCIE News - 23 February 2022
IMPORTANT: Statement on Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery Section 2 examinations
The Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery Board Chair and the JCIE Chair have issued a statement relating to Section 2 examination capacity.
JCIE News Update - 16 December 2021
The JCIE has provided the following statements from the Chairs of the JCIE and of the Joint Surgical Colleges which, if required, can be used to confirm the necessity to travel for Section 1 of the Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations in January/February 2022.
JCIE News - 2 July 2021
Examination Fee Payments – Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations
The JCIE is currently experiencing infrequent problems with the completion of payments. If you are affected by this you will receive an automated message at the payment stage asking you to email the mailbox stating that you have had payment issues and the JCIE will contact you directly. The JCIE apologises for any delay that this may cause to the completion of an application.
JCIE News - 27 May 2021
NHS.Net Email Delivery
JCIE has received reports from users of ‘’ email addresses of non-receipt of results emails. JCIE is working closely with the NHS Mail Helpdesk to investigate this issue. It would appear there is a delay in an email being processed by the NHS mail system and users actually receiving the email. If you are a ‘’ mailbox user and are expecting an email from JCIE, or you may have heard from colleagues that they have received an email from JCIE, you may wish to wait for the delayed delivery or alternatively contact JCIE Enquiries,, with a different email address and this will be actioned.
JCIE News Update - 31 March 2021
To All Attendees at the Otolaryngology and Trauma & Orthopaedic Section 2 Examinations – April 2021
The JCIE is aware that some Examiners and Candidates may be experiencing some difficulty in planning travel arrangements for the above forthcoming Section 2 Specialty Fellowship Examinations that are scheduled to take place in Glasgow during the second half of April. The attached link to the Avanti West Coast Rail Service provides details of when timetables will be published and tickets released. For the Otolaryngology Exam, the booking period will go live on Thursday 8 April and for the dates of the Trauma & Orthopaedic Exam one week later, on Thursday 15 April. There appears to be an option to sign up for ticket alerts and this perhaps should be considered – the link for this becomes evident when trying to book tickets for the examination dates.
Train Timetables | View and Download | Avanti West Coast
JCIE News Update - 22 March 2021
The JCIE has provided candidates with the following statements which can be used to confirm the necessity to travel for the Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations from March 2021.
JCIE News Update - 25 February 2021
IMPORTANT: Update on Section 2 examinations
The JCIE Chair has issued a statement to provide an update on examination activity in response to the ongoing challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
JCIE News Update - 18 January 2021
IMPORTANT: Update on Section 2 examinations in early March 2021
The JCIE Chair has issued a statement to provide an update on examination activity in response to the ongoing challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
JCIE News Update - 14 January 2021
Please note that the approved revised eligibility criteria for applicants not in training is now available and relates to applications for Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations taking place from 1 January 2023 i.e. if you are an applicant who is not in training and plan to sit a Section 1 examination on 1 January 2023 and beyond then you must meet the revised eligibility criteria. The criteria can be viewed on the Application page by downloading document G43 Applicants 2023. Please refer to point 4 c).
JCIE News Update - 8 January 2021
IMPORTANT: Update on Section 1 and Section 2 examinations 2021
The JCIE Chair has issued a statement to provide an update on examination activity in response to the ongoing challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
JCIE News Update - 8 January 2021
The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) has reissued an important statement supporting the maintenance of travel for examination purposes and confirms the statement remains valid following the tightened lockdown restrictions in all four nations of the UK. Please find the statement here.
JCIE News Update - 24 December 2020
IMPORTANT: Update on Section 1 and Section 2 examinations 2021
The JCIE Chair has issued a statement to provide an update on examination activity in response to the ongoing challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.
JCIE News Update - 21 December 2020
The JCIE has provided UK and Ireland based Section 1 candidates with the following statements which can be used to confirm the necessity to travel in January/February 2021 for the Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations.
JCIE News Update - 2 December 2020
Intercollegiate Specialty Board Examination in General Surgery - Update for all Section 1 Candidates from November 2020
The JCIE acknowledges that there is a slight delay in it meeting its 4-week timeline for intimating the results of the Section 1 Examination that was held on 3 November 2020. Please be assured that this is not because of any issues related to the examination. The slight delay is entirely a reflection of the unprecedented situation created by Covid-19. Over a 6 week period the JCIE Secretariat has had to deliver nine Section 2 Examinations and five Section 1 Examinations and this has created a significant increase in the normal workload for the Secretariat. All Section 1 examinations require a standard setting meeting and thereafter Section 2 capacity has to be confirmed in order that Section 2 places can be confirmed at the same time as emailing examination results.
The JCIE can assure all candidates that the results are currently being finalised and will be emailed out by the end of this week along with confirmation of Section 2 places for candidates who are eligible to proceed.
The JCIE would like to apologise for any undue anxiety but trust that everyone understands the extraordinary lengths the JCIE Secretariat have gone to deliver the number of examinations it has in such a concentrated period of time.
JCIE News Update - 17 November 2020
The JCIE has provided an update to Section 2 attendees in Nov/Dec 2020 relating to Tier 4 status in Glasgow.
JCIE News Update - 1 November 2020
The Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations (JCIE) has studied the Prime Minister's proposals for lockdown in England as announced on Saturday 31 October. We welcome the statement that education and work trips are exempt from the stay at home guidance. The JCIE therefore wishes to reassure all Candidates, Examiners and relevant stakeholders that the Section 1 Examinations (early November) and Section 2 Examinations (throughout November and early December) can proceed as planned. All participants are respectfully reminded to follow the travel and examination guidance that has previously been circulated.
JCIE News Update - 30 October 2020
The JCIE has provided guidance to Section 2 attendees in Nov/Dec 2020 relating to personal welfare in light of the current status of the coronavirus pandemic.
JCIE News Update – 22 October 2020
The JCIE has provided Ireland based candidates with the following statements which can be used to confirm the necessity to travel in November/December 2020 for the Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations.
JCIE News Update – 21 October 2020
Candidates for the forthcoming Intercollegiate Specialty Board Examinations may find the link below helpful. There is a presentation from the JCIE Chair that covers the plans for the November and December 2020 examinations followed by a question and answer session with the JCIE Chair and the JCIE Head of Operations.
JCIE News Update – 19 October 2020
The JCIE has provided candidates with the following statements which can be used to confirm the necessity to travel in November/December 2020 for the Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations.
JCIE News Update - 6 October 2020
An update on Examination Delivery has been sent to all candidates.
JCIE News Update - 6 October 2020
The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) has issued an important statement supporting the maintenance of travel for examination purposes. Please find the statement here.
JCIE News Update - 22 September 2020
Remote Section 2 Examinations - November/December 2020
This communication serves to clarify candidate eligibility to apply for remote Section 2 Examination delivery in November/December 2020.
- Candidates living in and working in the UK or Ireland who are subject to government enforced travel/quarantine restrictions that are in place 21 days prior to the first day of their examination.
- Women who will be in the third trimester of pregnancy (28 weeks +) at the time of their examination.
- Candidates who on medical advice are working from home and avoiding patient and social contact.
As previously intimated, any candidate who falls into categories 2 and 3 above should contact the relevant JCIE Specialty Manager as soon as possible with appropriate supportive evidence. The situation with respect to travel restrictions will be reviewed at the relevant time interval prior to each examination.
The JCIE regrets that it cannot offer a remote examination to candidates living and working outside of the UK or Ireland. There are several reasons for this including question security, appropriate invigilation and time differences. International candidates are welcome to attend for face-to-face examination but in arranging travel and accommodation must adhere to all quarantine requirements and other guidance that are in place.
JCIE News Update - 14 September 2020
Potential Impact of Lockdowns/Travel Restrictions on Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations - November/December 2020
Staging Section 2 Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations is a complex and coordinated process that requires detailed advance planning. The JCIE is monitoring all Government guidelines and will continue to liaise with the Scottish Government and Public Health. There comes a point, however, after which it will not be possible to alter any examination arrangements that are in place. As detailed in the JCIE Chair's update that was circulated on 8 September 2020, the JCIE has determined that face-to-face will be the default method of examination delivery for the November/December Section 2 sittings but will arrange a remote examination for candidates who are subject to travel restrictions that are in force 21 days prior to the start date of any of the examinations (e.g. as currently exist between the UK and Ireland). Thereafter, however, the JCIE will not be able to accommodate any changes to examination schedules. With respect to remote delivery, the reasons for this are as follows:
- At less than 21 days it will not be possible to arrange additional rooms at the main examination venue to accommodate remote examinations other than those already scheduled.
- Similarly, at less than 21 days it is unlikely that a suitable candidate remote venue and appropriate invigilation could be arranged.
- Examination schedules are finalised by this timeframe and it will not be possible to alter them to accommodate examiner/candidate movements to permit additional remote delivery.
The JCIE apologises for this but as everyone will appreciate we remain in unpredictable times and the JCIE cannot account for matters outside of its control. Any candidate who is adversely affected by a local lockdown that is implemented less than 21 days prior to his/her examination date will need to withdraw and will be transferred to the next examination diet. A withdrawal due to lockdown/travel restrictions falls under the category of exceptional circumstances within the Fees and Penalties document. As previously intimated, should a national lockdown be imposed, the plans outlined in the 8 September communication will become void. Candidates will be advised of any enforced changes at the earliest opportunity.
JCIE News Update - 9 September 2020
The JCIE has noted the UK Government's new restrictions on social gatherings in England which will come in to force on Monday 14 September 2020. Candidates should be aware that these have no direct impact on the JCIE's plans for the staging of Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations as intimated to candidates on Tuesday 8 September. The JCIE would, however, encourage all candidates to respect Government advice and to take all guidance into account when making travel and accommodation arrangements to attend an examination.
JCIE News Update - 8 September 2020
An update on Safety Measures, Examination Delivery and Potential Impact of Travel Restrictions has been sent to all candidates.
JCIE News Update - 2 September 2020
Coronavirus in Scotland
The JCIE is cognisant of the restrictions on home visitations that have been re-introduced in Glasgow and some surrounding areas. This measure has stemmed from evidence that the localised increase in positive cases has been driven by unregulated household contacts and not by the business or hospitality sectors. The JCIE Chair and the JCIE Head of Operations are in regular dialogue with the Scottish Government and Public Health authorities to ensure the safety of all attendees at Section 2 of the Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations that are scheduled to take place in Glasgow and Edinburgh between 1 November and 9 December 2020. The JCIE wishes to reassure everyone that the measures introduced by the Scottish Government on Tuesday 1 September are not at this point in time impacting on the plans to stage the examinations later this year. Candidates should therefore continue to prepare for the examinations as they would normally. The JCIE will, however, remain vigilant and maintain its liaison with the Scottish Government over the coming weeks and months. Further updates will be provided as required.
JCIE News Update - 6 August 2020
Please note that the JCIE will resume collection of Intercollegiate Specialty Examination fees at the time of application from Thursday 6 August 2020. Those who made an application during the period of examination postponement will shortly receive an email with a request to pay the examination fee.
Thank you.
JCIE News Update - 27 July 2020
Section 2 Intercollegiate Specialty Board Examinations 2020
The Examination calender has been updated to reflect the re-arranged Section 2 ISB Examinations for the remainder of 2020. All candidates who were entered in a Section 2 ISB Examination scheduled to take place between Monday 16 March and Friday 30 October 2020 should now have received an email from the JCIE Secretariat confirming their revised examination date and venue. Candidates who had entered Section 2 Examinations originally scheduled for November should have received a similar communication as venues have changed. This statement has been distributed to both groups of candidates. Any candidate who has not received the said communication and who falls into either of these categories should contact the relevant JCIE Specialty Manager as soon as possible.
Please note that there have have no changes to the published Section 1 timetable. The JCIE anticipates all Section 1 examinations to run as planned. The Secretariat will be in contact after the closing date relevant to each Specialty with confirmation of arrangements.
You may wish to keep up to date on activities during the period by visiting the information held on the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh website, News.
Thank you.
JCIE News Update - 13 May 2020
IMPORTANT: Update on postponement of examinations
The JCIE Chair and Presidents of the four surgical Royal Colleges of Great Britain and Ireland have issued a statement to provide an update on examination activity in response to the ongoing challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please see the statement. You may wish to keep up to date on activities during the period by visiting the information held on the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh website, NewsYou can still make an application to sit an examination but during this period of postponement we will not take payment of the examination fee. When the end of the period is reached we will contact you to request payment. We will keep you updated with information when we are able to do so.Thank you.
JCIE News Update – 16 March 2020
IMPORTANT: Postponement of examinations
The Presidents of the four surgical Royal Colleges of Great Britain and Ireland have issued a Joint Policy Statement in response to the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic. The policy comes in to force with effect from Monday 16 March 2020. Please see the Policy Statement. You may wish to keep up to date on activities during the period by visiting the information held on the Royal College of Surgeons website, Coronavirus/COVID-19: Update.
All Section 1 and Section 2 examinations due to be held from today until the end of summer have been postponed. You can still make an application to sit an examination but during this period of postponement we will not take payment of the examination fee. When the end of the period is reached we will contact you to request payment.
We will keep you updated with information when we are able to do so.
Thank you.
JCIE News Update – January 2020
Format of Section 1 examination
The GMC has approved an alteration to the format of the Section 1 examination.
The following format is applicable to all Section 1 examinations from January 2021:
Paper 1 - 120 Single Best [SBA] (2 hours 15 mins)
Paper 2 - 120 Single Best [SBA] (2 hours 15 mins)
JCIE News Update – March 2019
JCIE Fee Increase
The JCIE has been instructed by the Joint Surgical Colleges to increase the examination fee for all examinations taken from 1 June 2019. The fee increase is £55 overall (£16 applicable to Section 1 and £39 applicable to Section 2). Candidates will be sent a fee update request where applicable.
JCIE News Update – May 2017
- Candidate Verification at Section 2 Examinations
From 1 September 2017 candidates will be required to present current valid ID as submitted at the time of application as follows:
a. Current valid passport
b. Current valid UK/Eire photo-card driving licence
- Examination Attempts
The four Surgical Royal Colleges wish to clarify that the number of attempts permissible in the examination is four, across both the JCIE and the Joint Surgical Colleges Fellowship Examinations (JSCFE) examinations, as follows:
- Section 1 – four attempts with no re-entry
- Section 2 – four attempts with no re-entry
A formal verification process will be applied to both examination application systems from 1 January 2018 onwards.